Viagra Side Effects
Viagra is, by far and away, the most popular remedies on the market for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). Millions of men have found it to be both safe and effective. However, you should be familiar with common side effects of taking this medication before using it for the first time. This article will explore these factors so you can weigh Viagra’s benefits against any potential problems it may present. The goal is to enable you to make informed choices about your healthcare options.
General Information
Viagra (generic name Sildenafil) tabs work by dilating the blood vessels in the penis. This emulates the natural process the body uses to create an erection. Most men have little trouble with erectile dysfunction at a young age.
This changes for many males as they get older, especially those with diabetes, heart congestion, obesity, or poor cardiovascular health. Viagra enables many of these men to experience healthy erection similar to those they enjoyed when younger. It can also help patients to experience ejaculation.
These factors offer potent psychological benefits, including higher self-esteem and relief from the symptoms of depression or anxiety. Viagra is prescribed in the following normal dosages: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg. Viagra comes in pills and soft tablets. Some users have tried orally ingesting it in liquid, jelly, gel or spray form. This is not recommended and can adversely affect the user. Also, you should not overdose. Some users self-adjust the amounts they take – 150 mg and even 200 mg dosages have been reported. But this can cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure that can be bad for you or even fatal. It’s better to use a low dose of Viagra than too much.
Viagra Side Effects
No medicine is perfect, of course. While Viagra is generally considered safe, medical literature reports that it can cause a number of side effects. These vary in intensity and rate of occurrence. Let’s take a closer look at this topic.
Most Common
These side effects can include:
- aches or pains;
- anxiety;
- diarrhea;
- blurred vision;
- skin flushing;
- blurry eyes;
- sore throat;
- fatigue.
These effects usually become less frequent as the patient’s body adapts to the medicine. Conversely, they can worsen if you take too much of the drug or take it daily when unneeded. It’s best to follow the dosage of Viagra recommended by your healthcare professional.
Don’t worry if you experience one or more of these common side effects, as they may only be temporary, and can vary dramatically in strength from person to person. If they are persistent over a lengthy period of time, it may be necessary to speak to your healthcare professional to see if there are any Viagra alternatives to avoid the side effects. By contrast, you may also find that you don’t experience any of these effects.
These side effects occur less often than those listed above. Many of them are potentially dangerous, so discontinue use and consult your healthcare provider right away if you notice any of them.
a burning sensation in your chest;
- pain when urinating;
- dizziness;
- increased heart rate;
- blood urine;
- prostate discomfort;
- a tender or upset stomach;
- a tingling or prickly sensation.
Don’t let the possibility of these side effects put you off taking Viagra – every individual reacts differently to the medication, so you may experience nothing. However, it’s important that you keep an eye out nonetheless, in order to treat any side effects that do occur immediately.
What Side Effects Has Expired Viagra?
The most likely consequence of taking expired Viagra is that it will simply not work, rather than causing adverse effects. However, pharmacists note that some out of date medicines can become dangerous over time due to toxicity buildup. So it’s best to avoid Viagra or any drug that’s past its expiration date.
It’s also important to be aware that the side effects listed above, both common and rare, still apply, as taking the medication still poses the same risks. Instead of taking any chances with expired Viagra, go to online store and reorder fresh pills that don’t carry a risk of toxicity, just to be safe.
Long Term Side Effects
Some studies have shown that prolonged use of Viagra pills can cause problems with food digestion or acid reflux, so be aware of this when committing to taking Viagra.
The medicine can also become less effective, especially if taken when you don’t need it or if you mix it with other drugs, as your body may well adapt to consumption of Viagra, especially if you take it over an extended period of time.
You can minimize the risk of these complications by avoiding Viagra when not needed, not drinking when under its effects, and not taking it every day. By doing this, you are more likely to get the best out of the Viagra tablets when you do need them, allowing for your best performance.
Do Side Effects Depend on Viagra Type?
A method of intake and frequency of use are the most common determinants of Viagra side effects, not the «type» of Viagra. However, there are different erectile dysfunction medications that can be consumed, and the side effects that can happen when these are consumed can vary enormously from Viagra. With this in mind, be sure to check the instructions and side effects leaflet very thoroughly whenever you have a new set of pills, just to ensure that you’re aware of any risks.
Female Viagra
It’s common to find ads online promoting a so-called female Viagra. Since no biological woman has a penis, the logic behind these pitches is suspect at best.
Also, the ingredients in these products are potentially unsafe. If you are a woman and looking to enhance your sex life or increase your libido, don’t take the risk with products that don’t have much information and aren’t verified – do your research.
Just the same as male Viagra, all medication has risks, so ensure you take the safe option and buy from reputable websites, like this one.
You may also have seen ads for herbal Viagra. These come in a variety of shapes and colors, including blue, pink, and green capsule forms and as liquids.
They’re sold with suggestive names like Gold Max or Ultimate Male Potency. As with so-called female Viagra, these dubious formulas have no proven medical benefits and may expire over a short duration of time. There is no plant or other non-synthetic substance that can substitute for Viagra or similar prescription medicines.
What About Super P Force?
This product contains 100 mg of Sildenafil along with 60 mg of Dapoxetine, a medication used to treat premature ejaculation (PE). It’s a great option for men who suffer from both conditions. Unlike so-called herbal Viagra, Super P Force contains pharmaceutical-grade compounds backed by thousands of clinical studies.
Side Effects of Mixing Viagra And…
Fatty Food
This interaction of Viagra can cause indigestion, diarrhea, bloating, and other unpleasant side effects. Also, please remember that a high-fat diet can increase your chances of a heart attack, especially in diabetics. It’s generally best to avoid fatty foods as much as possible and stick to nutritional, healthy food that you know carries less risk.
Alcohol Drinks
Taking Viagra or any prescription medication with alcohol is never completely safe. Plus, alcohol can damage your liver or reduce your ability to become erect, defeating the reason you’re taking Viagra in the first place. If you want Viagra to work to its full effectiveness, then stick to soft drinks and water to ensure that you get the most out of the medication to treat your ED.
Other Drugs
Please do NOT take Viagra if you take nitrates or drugs for pulmonary hypertension without your doctor’s permission. This can cause serious and possibly fatal drug interactions due to a sudden drop in blood pressure. If you are on another prescription, it’s best to consult with a medical professional prior to taking Viagra to avoid any severe side effects or consequences of taking ED medication in conjunction with another drug.
Reduce the Risk of Side Effects
We have covered the primary ways to avoid Viagra side effects above. Here are some added tips to keep in mind:
avoid taking Viagra and grapefruit juice together. This can cause hyperacidity;
- tell your doctor about any adverse effects you notice the next day after a Viagra dose;
- check your blood pressure the first several times you take Viagra and note if it seems unusually high or low;
- avoid so-called «recreational» use of Viagra i.e. to produce a sense of elation or to boost energy. Also, remember that viagra will not make you sexually excited. You must provide the desire and the pill will produce the effects.
What ED Drugs Have Less Side Effects?
There is some soft evidence i.e. personal testimonials and the like, that suggests Cialis produces fewer side effects than Viagra. We recommend asking your doctor for further information. Also, please remember that Viagra is, for the vast majority of men, perfectly safe and highly effective. The only way you’ll be able to know which side effects you may or may not experience is to take Viagra in a small dosage, as then you can monitor for yourself which tablets do and do not work well for you.
Viagra Versus Kamagra Side Effects
Kamagra is a new, unapproved, and poorly regulated product made in India and sold via the Internet. Its sellers tout it as a generic Viagra. However, Kamagra isn’t subject to the strict safety and efficacy rules as Viagra and other legitimate prescription medications. It might help you with ED. The again, it may make you sick or even worse.
Other Reported Side Effects of Viagra
We stress that it’s never a good idea to trust unverified claims about Viagra or any other substance. However, in the interests of full disclosure we would like to list some of the effects Viagra users have claimed to experience. Please remember that this is anecdotal evidence and should be treated accordingly:
- unexplained weight loss;
- red eyes;
- a rash on skin;
- a heightened risk of skin cancer;
- leg pain;
- mental illness or other brain issues.
Again, we stress that these claims are based on little more than hearsay. We only present them so that you will have as much information about Viagra as possible.