A Short History of ED & the Path to Viagra

A Short History of ED & the Path to Viagra

A Short History of ED & the Path to Viagra

Viagra has become known as the most common modern way to treat ED. However, erectile dysfunction is a not a new issue among men. It has been affecting men for centuries, even eons, and it not abnormal in any way; however, some of the ancient solutions were definitely far from routine!

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1. Eating Animal Genitalia

Animals have long been known for their durability, ferocity, and rapid reproduction. Cultures and tribes all over the world have looked to them for guidance, food, and sport. Those are not the only things animals are known for, though. Popular impotency cures involved the horns, bladders, penises, and bones of powerful, masculine animals. Bugs have also been used in these rituals, using the exoskeletons of beetles.

Many different animals have been worshiped and praised as masculine icons, including wolves, lions, and buffalo. Their horns, bones, and male genitalia were often used as aphrodisiacs for men. By grinding the horn of a rhino or the tusks of an elephant, it was said that any impotent man could become virile again, and prices ran high for crushed ivory.

Collecting these impotency cures was a large part of solving village issues. While it sounds ridiculous now, it was a legitimate claim back in the day. It doesn’t seem there’s anything to take from it aside from a funny story, however. Viagra certainly seems like a better option.

2. “Congesters” (Penis Pumps)

While penis pumps are commonplace today, and can still be purchased through a variety of means, it wasn’t always that easy to solve erectile dysfunctions. The creator of the penis pump, Frederic Hollic, described the first use of a penis pump, called a “Congester,” in his book. The book, published in 1980, told the story of an unfortunate man who had married, and could not please his wife due to his impotency.

Frederick Hollick had the solution for this man, however. The “Congester” worked simply, insert the penis into the tube, and a vacuum was created. This forced blood into the genitals, and caused an erection. With regular treatments, the man’s erectile dysfunction was cured completely. A happy ending to a strange story, but the lesson still stands true. Many penis pumps are still prescribed to men who cannot take generic Viagra, or have tried the drug and do not respond to it.

3. Flagellation

Possibly one of the strangest early cures for erectile dysfunction: flagellation. Using a small whip, cat’o’nine tails, or a thin willow branch, the doctor is advised to lightly smack and tickle the genitals of the patient. It was described as successful in many cases, resulting in blood flow in the privates and a successful erection. The success is debatable, no matter how reasonable, or unreasonable it might sound.

It is not exactly easily tested nowadays, however. It is truly doubtful any willing men will line up to be flagellated, and if it is successful, there is always the debate on whether or not fetishes were involved in the sexual arousal. Studies in sexuality is truly is a strange science. Men should be very happy generic Viagra was invented!

4. Burning Witches

During the panic and strife of the late 1400’s, witches were the culprits of almost any minor crime, legal or otherwise. The failing health of a neighbor, the seizures of a child, and apparently: the waning virility of a man. With no generic Viagra available, blame often fell on women.

If a man failed to perform his husbandly duties accordingly, it was a legal basis for divorce. Magical impotence was a legitimate reason for marriage annulment, and the blame has to fall somewhere. No-one fell to the task better than the fictional witches, and many accused women were hung, drowned, and stoned for their witchery and meddling in men’s personal lives.

The process, called Kramer’s Hammer, would discover the witches who cursed newlywed men, and arrest whoever was responsible for the unrest. Thankfully, the last witch accused of this crime was executed in 1718, making the ritual very outdated. If there is anything to learn from this story, if is that gullibility is, and always will be, one of humankind’s greatest flaws.

5. Splints

Splint have long been used in medicine to heal fractured bones and broken limbs, but for dysfunctional penises? Believe it or not, it was a valid practice, and still is! The most recent ‘penis splint’ model was released in 2009. However, it does not ‘work like a charm,’ despite many assumptions.

The process involves strapping a rigid base to the penis to keep it straight, but holding your arm up for hours at a time does not make your arm rigid and straight afterwards, so lifting your penis up with a split does not give you an automatic erection. Not to mention the splints are bound to be uncomfortable, given the materials and procedure. Aluminum, steel, and even bronze have been used, and that can’t be very comfortable.

While this is a little less wild than burning witches and flagellating, this process is no more useful. Best to keep splints on broken bones, and depend on generic Viagra for boners.

6. Don’t Think of Sex!

Some scientists and doctors of the 19th century firmly believed that frequent masturbation (called “self-abuse”), could cause erectile dysfunction. The theory was that when your genitals were used too frequently, whether it be from sex or masturbation, the muscles got tired and could no longer hold the penis upright. So, the physician would order you to take ‘penis rest.’

Avoiding stimulation, provocative thoughts, and flirty women was advised. The penis was also to be cleansed with cold water, to prevent erections from occurring while the penis was still in a resting state.

It seems even the smallest muscles in the body require frequent rest, and the muscles of the penis are no exception. Of course, we know this is ridiculous now and that generic Viagra can quickly revive a flagging erection.

Early treatments

Aside from the unique and for the most part, useless, techniques listed above, there were reasonable treatments for erectile dysfunction available. The first of many were diet and light drug prescriptions by Muslim doctors. They made great strides in developing and perfecting early oral medications for erectile dysfunction, and also began the studies in the field.

Many of the prevalent physicians of the time (9th-16th Century) include: Thabit bin Qurra, Avicenna, Ibn al-Baitar, and Muhammed ib Zakariya Razi, among a multitude of others. Many of these doctors also wrote books on their studies, which helped contribute to the findings of later doctors and scientists.

The knowledge passed down from these early doctors helped kick start the findings of future doctors, and lets modern pharmaceutical companies make the drugs they do today – including generic Viagra and other modern ED drugs.

Testosterone treatments

Another breakthrough in the ED field of study was the discovery of testosterone as a treatment for erectile dysfunction. Testis extract was taken from sheep and injected into the patient as a medication for impotence, and many positive results were recorded. In the 1940’s, the method for purifying testosterone was made commonplace, and this treatment became obsolete.

Dr. John R. Brinkley

The 1920’s brought along Dr. John R. Brinkley, and his attempts to alleviate erectile dysfunction in his patients involved expensive and strange methods. The implantation of goat glands was advised, along with routine mercurochrome injections. His medical license was later revoked, but he continued his studies and treatments in Mexico.

Penile implants and vacuum pumps

Expanding upon the research of Frederic Hollic, many surgeons began recommending “youth equivalence devices,” which followed the same process as the famous Congester. This same pump is still being used as a popular vacuum pump, and a prescribed treatment for erectile dysfunction. Another choice patients had was an inflatable penile implant, which were implanted into the penis to help achieve erections when desired.

The development of medications to treat erectile dysfunction

The development of ED medications was slow-moving and full of failures, until a physiologist under the name Giles Brindley, PhD, induced an erection himself in front a live audience at the American Urological Association. His method paved the way for studies looking into oral treatments, and later became one of the building blocks for the field’s development and led ultimately to the development of generic Viagra.

The invention of Viagra

The entire foundation of a scientific field was rocked when in 1989, two Pfizer scientists invented the molecule that would later be known as sildendafil. Sildenafil is the active ingredient in the drug Viagra, and the revolutionary compound that laid the foundations for a newer, better ED medication. The employees involved were: Peter Dunn, Albert Wood, and Dr. Nicholas Terret. Terret was later named the father of Viagra, but the pill form of the drug was the work of Dunn and Wood themselves.

The timeline for the discovery and development of the little blue pill gives insight to the long journey taken to make Viagra a commonplace, trusted drug for ED, and the steps taken to make it available to the general public in the form of generic Viagra.

1989: Dunn and Wood created the chemical compound known as sildenafil citrate.

1991: The patent for sildenafil citrate as a heart medication was achieved.

1900’s: Studies for sildenafil citrate were underway, and although little progress was being made with the drug as a heart medication, increased erections were being reported by male patients. More studies were conducted to look into it, and it is discovered sildenafil, or Viagra, opens the blood vessels in the penis, allowing faster, easier erections.

1996 & 1998: Pfizer patented sildenafil as a treatment for erectile dysfunction, under the name Viagra. After its FDA approval in 1998, over 40,000 prescriptions were filled in pharmacies across the country in a matter of weeks.

In the years after its launch, Viagra helped millions of men achieve potency, and eliminated the stresses their ED caused in their daily lives, mental health, and sexual encounters. Featured in TIME Magazine, the Washington Post, and Newsweek, Viagra made a big splash in the pharmaceutical scene.

Similar drugs such as Levitra and Cialis were released shortly afterward, and as the money in ED-medications grew, many generic manufacturers began to hone in on the drugs.

It seems they will have to wait a while longer, since Viagra’s patent expires in April 2020. Settlements are being discussed, however, and strides are being made to release a generic Viagra version as soon as December 2017. Buy you can buy generic Viagra online.

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