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Generic Eriacta 100 mg Tablets from India for Sale


Eriacta (generic Viagra) is an ED drug that is not marketed under a well-popular brand name like Viagra – it is only the trade name patented by Pfizer.

The active ingredient of cheap Eriacta drug is Sildenafil Citrate 100 mg (same as Viagra).

Eriacta is a generic medication that is identical to the branded original in everything (the same active ingredients, applications and formulation) but trade name.

For most of men suffering from ED the primary cause is related to psychological, not physical issues. In these cases, Eriacta is very effective form of treatment. You can buy cheap Eriacta online even if you don’t have a prescription.



Sildenafil citrate tabsErectile dysfunction (ED) is a typical sexual concern in men over 50 years. As it is successfully treated by oral medications, most patients refer to world-famous Viagra for improving their erectile quality. Probably, everyone is aware about the price for this branded drug. Such extreme popularity makes these blue pills incredibly expensive.

Pharmacists from India offer generic Viagra especially developed as its affordable alternative able to work as effectively as its labeled counterpart. Eriacta 100 mg hits the market as a quality ED remedy, which can be purchased online at a low cost.


What Is Eriacta 100 mg Sildenafil Citrate?


Eriacta comprises the same main ingredient present in labeled Viagra – sildenafil citrate. Their mechanisms of action, pill administration rules and produced effects are also similar. Both medicines ensure a prompt action onset and natural erection that lasts several hours.

Comparing vs Viagra, Eriacta is sold without prescription and can be purchased on SildenafilViagra cheaper. It helps men to save money and ensures the identical therapeutic results. Choose Eriacta, if you are seeking a cost-attractive and powerful ED medication.


Working Mechanism


Blood flowCardiovascular disorders are a typical cause in the majority of ED cases, when improper blood supply to the male organ makes it impossible to achieve a natural erection. Phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors are active components that help to amplify blood inflow to particular body areas.

Sildenafil belongs to a family of PDE5 inhibitors and produces nitric oxide, which promotes the relaxation of the smooth penile muscles and dilation of the blood vessels. With the increased circulation, more oxygenated blood reaches the reproductive organ. Due to its reduced outflow from the groin zone, the penis becomes erect.


How Long Does It Last?


How long does its action last? Sildenafil has a half-life of 4-6 hours. It stays effective in a male body and causes stable and firm erections within this period. Sexual stimulation is a compulsory condition to trigger Eriacta action.


Uses and Dosage Instruction


Man take pillEriacta is recommended by urologists for adult patients diagnosed with ED. The drug is prescribed for oral administration 30-50 minutes before anticipated intimacy. One 100 mg pill is swallowed without splitting or chewing with a glass full of water. It is taken on an empty stomach for quicker results.

If men suffer from the following health conditions, they should discuss the possibility of Eriacta treatment with a therapist:

  • high cholesterol level;
  • eye diseases;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney or liver malfunction;
  • uncontrolled high or low blood pressure;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • hypersensitivity to sildenafil;
  • penis deformation.

Aged users are more vulnerable to strong drugs, so they should initiate therapy with a reduced sildenafil dosage at 25 mg. A dose may be increased, if patients show a good drug tolerance. Men with the above diseases are advised taking Eriacta under medical supervision.


Read Dosage Guide For Sildenafil

Side Effects of Eriacta 100 mg


Side effects of medicines

Numerous clinical studies prove that Eriacta is a secure ED medication, well endured by users. As a potent drug, it may cause minor adverse effects in individuals with certain health conditions or because of overdose. The following symptoms are temporary and soon disappear:

  • muscle aches;
  • headaches;
  • runny nose;
  • diarrhea;
  • facial flushing;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness.

Allergic reactions to sildenafil include trouble breathing, rash, swelling of the tongue/face/lips and itching. Quit using Eriacta and ask a doctor how to get rid of the symptoms.

Serious side effects are rare and demand an urgent medical assistance. If they occur, notify your physician to avoid dangerous consequences:

  • fast or irregular heartbeat;
  • skin dryness;
  • hearing distortions;
  • blurred vision;
  • sensitivity to light;
  • cold sweats;
  • tingling or numbness in the feet or arms;
  • cloudy urine;
  • priapism.

These reactions are very uncommon. However, if you experience any of them, call your doctor right away.


All Interactions


Grapefruit and alcohol drinksEriacta cannot be administered simultaneously with a group of medicines, which may provoke negative reactions or alter drug metabolism. Notify your therapist about all consumed vitamins, tablets, and herbs (both prescribed and OTC) to prevent life-threatening interactions:

  • alpha-blockers (Doxazosin, etc.);
  • hepatitis C tabs (Telaprevir, etc.);
  • nitrate-containing pills (Nitrostat, etc.);
  • antifungal drugs (Itraconazole, etc.);
  • histamine receptor blockers (Cimetidine, etc.);
  • protease inhibitors (Saquinavir, etc.);
  • calcium channel blockers (Amlodipine, etc.);
  • antibiotics (Erythromycin, etc.);
  • other PDE5 inhibitors (Cialis, etc.).

Urologists advise avoiding ethanol consumption when taking Eriacta. Both alcohol and sildenafil are good vasodilators. Mixed together, they may lower patient’s blood pressure and cause dizziness or heart palpitations.

Eriacta is well combined with any food products. Fatty meals slow down sildenafil absorption and can postpone its action onset.

Grapefruit is a product strictly incompatible with Eriacta, which hampers sildenafil excretion. Accumulated in a male body, the active substance may cause overdosing symptoms. Replace grapefruit with another citrus.


Learn All Possible Sildenafil Interactions

Reviews of Our Users


If you hesitate to buy Eriacta, read numerous testimonials at SildenafilViagra for better drug understanding. People who have tried these generic pills share their experience what to expect from the medicine. All reviews are positive and encourage trying the drug as a powerful Viagra analog. All these men have succeeded to solve their sexual problem with a single tab intake. Such real stories illustrate Eriacta effectiveness and safety.

This ED remedy is the same safe for users and will not damage male health. Opt for Eriacta and write your own treatment experience.


Where to Buy Cheap Eriacta 100 mg Pills Online?


Buy from homeIf you are looking for a cheap and easy option to order medications, use online pharmacies. SildenafilViagra is a confidential and comfortable way to obtaine quality drugs with no risks for your health. Generic Eriacta 100 mg is available for sale here at the best price. Buying generics is a good opportunity to get high-grade drugs at affordable cost without covering expenses for branded names offered by pharmacological giants. It is reasonable to obtain a cheaper variant between two medications with identical efficiency and reliability. Besides, wholesale purchases greatly diminish the total cost of an order.

SildenafilViagra is specialized in quality ED and PE remedies and offers a vast assortment of other forceful pills, like generic Cialis, Super P-Force, Kamagra, Blueberry, etc. Start treatment right now to return your happy sexual life with no troubles.

Additional information

How Many Pills?

500 Pills ($0.79 each), 300 Pills ($0.83 each), 200 Pills ($0.89 each), 100 Pills ($0.99 each), 50 Pills ($1.59 each), 30 Pills ($2.29 each), 20 Pills ($2.49 each), 10 Pills ($2.99 each)

We Ship Worldwide

We are currently able to offer you two shipping options:
  • Express shipping with tracking (7-12 business days) – $49 – FREE over $180
  • Standard shipping (10-18 business days, no signature required upon delivery) – $39 – FREE over $130
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  • UK to UK domestic delivery via Royal Mail (3-4 days) – £49 plus special pricing applies
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Estimated express delivery date: Wednesday 7 Aug

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Express with tracking (7-12 business days)
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All shipping options are trackable. Est express delivery date: Wednesday 7 Aug


Express with tracking $49 – FREE over $180
Standard shipping $39 – FREE over $130
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All products are sent in discreet packaging. No reference to generic Viagra online pharmacy or any medication appears on the packaging.


We're constantly tracking all orders. If your parcel gets lost or stuck in customs, we will reship it for free or give you a full refund if preferred.

Express shipping from India and Singapore takes 7-10 business days. US domestic shipping is also available for our best selling generic ED pills.

Example of tracking information


With the flood of positive customer testimonials we receive, we understand how much of a difference generic Viagra can make to people with ED. But we don't think you should be overcharged for the medication you need. Buy Generic Viagra Online pharmacy works hard to keep our prices for generic Viagra and other ED drugs as low as possible.

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